lunes, 20 de enero de 2014

Europe's financial support to 20 scientific projects

Europe supports scientific projects of 20 Spanish high-level researchers

Those who consider themselves scientists need some proof of their scientific careers. Therefore, they must publish their results and communicate their foundings. However no science can be made without founding. Having financial support for a purposed scientific project is the key to develope it. Indeed, it is the key fot industrial development. We scientists must do research and try to solve, in a nearer or further future, society's demands. 

Good news are that Europe is going to support some of the best-considered spanish scientific projects. More concretely, 20 Spanish scientists would be given the well-known European Reserach Council (ERC) grant. Their investigations involve hot topics such as new treatments for neurodegenerative illnesses and cancer, new methods and interactions in the mathematical singularity theory and the collateral macroeconomy.

Spain has rise up untill the sixth position as a receiver of these grants -with six more grants than the last call-, then comes United kingdom, Germany, France, The Netherlands, Switzerland and finally Italy.

ERC is going to support an amount of 312 projects of well-considered European scientists with 575 millions of euros. Each of these grants give 1.84 millions of euros as an average and they can rise up to 2.7 millions of euros each.

This organisation claimed that in this last call, they selected a wide range of topics that start from the exploration of the black matter effects and the black energy in the gravitational theory in the use of a geochemical watch to predict volcanic eruptions, and finish with the study of the role of the genetic and environmental factors in the brain connexions of the embryos.

All these topics are of high importance to society. However there are still a few if we want to develop this country and fight agains ignorance. More scientific projects should be supported. There is a huge need of doing research. It is the key of success. 

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