sábado, 28 de diciembre de 2013

The first edition of the scientific divulgation event "Desgranando la ciencia" fired on all cylinders

The scientific divulgation event "Desgranando la ciencia" that took place the last 14th and 15th of December in the "Parque de las ciencias" in Granada had a big success

Fortunately, step by step, science is arriving to everyone

I could not find a better new to start this blog, which aims to talk about science and arrive to everybody! The scientific divulgation event "Desgranando la ciencia" had a great succes. It took place in the "Parque de las ciencias" in Granada (Spain) between the 14th and 15th of December. It was organized by the scientific divulgation platform "Hablando de Ciencia" and patrocinated by the "Descubre" Fundation. In addition, several local and national experts particepated in it.

There were several conferences and parades about astrophysiscs, environment, physics, biology, economy, divulgation...with the aim of showing people what is being done in the laboratories. All of them were very attractive to children because they could intract with the scientists and they could even do some experiments too.
"New technologies and alimentation" and "Physics and Egineering" were the topics of the first session of the first day. "Medicine and Future" was the topic of the afternoon. One of the most important things they talked about was the Alzheimer. The latest investigations related to this disease were introduced by Javier Burgos, which is the scientific director of Neuron BioPharma.
On Sunday, they talked about the environment. Moreover there was a session about "Science, Education and Critic thinking" in which Juan Soler, from the Society for the Advance of the Critic thinking, made a demonstration of how to bend spoons with the aim of showing people the importance of being critic with what they see on TV or on the other media. Finally, there was a session about "Science and Society" in which young researchers and women had the main role.
These kind of events are very common nowadays and, from my point of view, they should be even more common as one of our objectives as scientists must be to approach science to people and to promote it to get funds whether from public or private entities to keep investigating and developing new projects and ideas. This would be the key for the succes of any country.